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López de Silanes, José Luis Full Text Available Learning and the creation of knowledge are closely related to improved competitiveness and the creation of wealth in a country, because they help to boost innovation and the development of more productive activities with higher added value by taking advantages of the opportunities offered by the new technologies. Spain, which has made a significant effort during the last 30 years and has managed not only to position itself in ninth place among the countries with the highest scientific production, but also among the major world economies, has lost momentum in recent years, which is why it needs to improve its competitive capacity. In order to achieve this, an appropriate environment must be generated through promoting the innovative capacity of all the institutions involved and improving the quality of education, as well as the conditions required for facilitating the free movement of knowledge. In this context, the Spanish university still has an important task before it in terms of improving optimization of the use made of its educational resources and scientific production, as well as the continuous updating of knowledge and promotion of the entrepreneurial ability of young university students, with the assistance of society as a whole.

Diario de la marina : 12-27-1950

Administrator Alterno: Dr. Francisco Gracia Universidad de Chile Dr. Formulación de herramientas teóricas y tecnologías computacionales orientada a la caracterización de los mecanismos de alergia, con el foco puesto en la evolución de los patrones de reactividad global y local de los sistemas moleculares implicados en dichas reacciones. Director: Dr. Su principal objetivo es captar cómo diferentes neuromoduladores regulan los sistemas neuronales para generar comportamiento. Andrés E.

Memoria de Investigación by Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Doctorado UNAB - Issuu

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